(Tarifa, Spain)

Dimitri Karakostas shoots every shade of blue in the Tarifa waterside. 

Dimitri Karakostas shoots every shade of blue in the Tarifa waterside. 

"My lovely lady/partner in crime and I were on tour for European exhibitions. We stopped periodically to wind down in nice little places like Tarifa. The feeling of hangong out on a vast beach completely alone was fantastic."

-Dimitri Karakostas

Go: Walk along the coast in either direction - the unmarked paths lead to hideaways and fields of wild horses.

Stay: Private villas extend up the eastern coastline, but for a cheaper stay, rent an apartment in the city center. Apartments are around 70 Euros per night and are never too far from the beach.

Eat: Dimitri recommends Moe's for incredible pizza, or the Tarifa EcoCenter for vegetarian fare.

Drink: Ditch the beer and order a tinto de verano, a popular beverage of red wine, lemonade, and Fanta.