boranup beach


Boranup Beach, Western Austailia

"Boranup beach, with its white sand and azure water, is the classic Australian postcard. A slow and winding 4X4 track makes its way through the Boranup Karri Forest, along scrub covered dunes and opens up to an empty wonderland of pure white sand and the clearest turquoise waters. It's paradise for fishing, surfing, snorkeling, sun-baking, chilling by campfires, watching sunsets, relaxing and feeling overwhelming bliss.

This trip was a last minute decision to escape and head for the solitude of an empty beach, camping only a stones throw from the crystal waters. We couldn't believe how empty and beautiful the beach was. 

With breakfast eaten, what to do next in a place like this? That's right, strip it all off and make for the ocean! Nothing is more naturally invigorating than skinny dipping in the stunning blue waters of your own private beach." - Daniel Akmens

Go : Head to the Margaret River wine region. If you can make it out of there, keep going towards Karridale. Take a right towards the ocean and find your own way.

Stay : It's all about camping under the stars here.

Eat : If you go for a day-trip, pack an over sized lunch because you'll probably stay longer than you think. If you plan to stay a few days, then bring everything you'll need to cook on a campfire. There isn't anyone selling ice cream

Drink : Anything and everything that will fit in your cooler: beers, wine, cider, juice; all the good stuff that goes well with breakfast. And always bring plenty of water.